This week's guest is Ben Jacobs, editor of Rochester Business Journal and NY Daily Record! He's a man of the community and (unfortunately) a Red Sox fan. Kidding! But he's a great person to know about and learn about what he knows.
Join us Live Every Saturday at 10-11am EST on NEWSRADIO WHAM1180. Listen to all past shows on YouTube and iHeart Radio. Leave a comment, learn more about sponsorship opportunities and even suggest a guest by filling out our contact form.
This Months RBJ Article
I recently floated an idea to a number of “movers and shakers“ in rochester.
My thoughts are that we need to celebrate the music and performing arts culture in Rochester. In addition as we have many other unique assets that enhance our quality of life.
The suggestion I had was to institute a way of recognizing these valuable contributions and do it similar to what the Kennedy Center in Washington does. Specifically is to have a yearly program of “Rochester Honors “ just like nationally “the Kennedy center honors“.
I submit that we need to “brand” ourselves.
Frankly, I am weary of outsiders, branding us as they lack the realization of the fantastic quality of life we enjoy.
I’ve always said if you didn’t Brand yourself you leave it up to others to brand you.
Please read this article and give me your thoughts and suggestions.
This is the first step in what could be a mutual beneficial journey for us all.
I would be grateful if you would contribute your thoughts and suggestions below.
The No-Nonsense Roundtable is a weekly radio show hosted in Rochester, New York. You can listen live on NEWSRADIO WHAM1180, Saturdays at 10:00 am to 11:00am EST. You can catch past shows on iHeart Radio and on our YouTube Channel.
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The Rochester Radio show about people you know and want to know more about— or don't know, but should!